Peaceful, Powerful You! – Client Voices

“Peggy Bennett’s sessions stand out as favorites of our 10 colloquia gatherings. She challenges questionable practices with humor and respect, reminds us of what is most important, and guides us in living fully and happily as professionals. In a recent session, she coached us in finding civil and fair ways to interact with difficult colleagues. Her strength and warmth are contagious.”

Mary Goetze, Ph.D., Co-Founder of the Mountain Lake Colloquium, Professor Emerita, Indiana University

“Peggy Bennett’s dynamic Peaceful, Powerful You! presentations have made an impact on my life and the lives of my colleagues. Peggy connects with the audience on personal levels and yet her comments always inform a global understanding of what it means to be part of the larger human community. She guided me to take personal responsibility for my own happiness and come to situations with an open heart.”

Kate McCabe, Director, Creative Minds Child Care, Vancouver, BC

“I have such respect for Peggy Bennett and her work.  Her most engaging and imaginative presentations are based on an ethical foundation that gently nudges and encourages the participant to examine her actions and thought processes. I always come away from my conversations with Peggy feeling empowered, loved, and with a big smile on my face.”

Nancy Boone-Allsbrook, Co-Founder of the Mountain Lake Colloquium, Professor of Music Education, Middle Tennessee State University

“Peggy Bennett is a well-respected mediator in our community.  She has an incredible talent in bringing people together to have a meaningful and respectful dialogue about whatever is keeping them in conflict.  As a mentor to newly-trained mediators, Peggy has earned the reputation of being extremely skilled in communication techniques and fostering respect, cooperation, and dignity for everyone she meets.”

— Lynn MJ Fiedler, Program Coordinator, Community Mediation Center, Bozeman, MT